YES, you can literally go from never running and lounging on the couch
to running your first 5K in only a few short weeks. This easy guide
will show you how.
This summer I turned 46. Not old by any means but no spring chicken.
I have to plan my training carefully and pay way more attention to my
body and my nutrition than I did when I was 25.
I signed up for my first triathlon this year and I have to admit…I’m
nervous. I’m a 230lb ex-football player who has no business running
for distance! Call it a personal challenge.
SOOOO many of our female population run regularly a few times a month or
more to improve their fitness, and SOOO many injure themselves or overdo
Running is a great form of exercise, but I certainly come with a few
It’s great for your overall cardiovascular health but…It can beat up
your joints.
It’s great for your mental health but…It can leave you fatigued and
tired all day.
Here’s a few tips to make sure you are doing right and get the most
out of your runs. Poor technique is the NUMBER 1 reason so many people
get injured running. Most just lace up and start running. I mean
there’s not really a school for running and they don’t teach running
form in high school.
* Is Your Posture Perfect? Hitting the correct running position is
key. A simple gait analysis in a good running store can help.
Saucony has a FREE app Stride Lab that’s great. Here it’s all about
the pelvis. If you arch your back (hips tilted forward) you are in for
some serious hurt. Neutralize your spine and hips so you could balance
an imaginary board across your pelvis.
* Master Your Cadence. Getting your cadence or stride length correct
will make running feel WAY more effortless, saving you time and
energy. Start by running for 1 min and counting the number of steps
you run. 180 steps is optimal for most adults. If you are running
less than 170 you are overstriding and if you are running more than 190
you are shuffling and putting excess pounding on your joints.
* Find Your Speed. Once you have your stride length dialed in now it’s
time to find your steady state effort level or speed. If you go too
hard and your HR rises too much you will gas out early. If you go too
slow with little effort you will not allow the body to adapt to the
stress and improve. Know your zones and a good training routine should
include runs at different intensities.
* Zone 1&2 – Able to speak and have conversation
* Zone 3 – 3-4-word sentences only.
* Zone 4 – Reply in single words only
* Zone 5 – There’s no room for talking here!
* Know Your Pain – If you are a little sore that is a good thing.
But if your soreness lingers or turns to some pain it might be time to
look at your training.
* Sore Calves = You might be going too hard or too long. Ease back a
bit and remember to stretch and work the muscles in the front of the
lower leg by doing toe lifts.
* Tight or Sore Hamstrings = Poor running form or not using your glutes
to run. This can be caused by tight hip flexors. Look up “couch
stretch” for a quick fix here.
* Glute Hurt = You’re working hard and using the right muscles! A
great way to ensure you are using your glutes while running is to
exercise them beforehand. Glute bridges and hip hydrants are great for
turning on those sleepy butt muscles.
There you have it! Non-runner’s guide to running a little better.
Use some of these tips to improve your running and AS ALWAYS incorporate
some well-planned strength training into your overall routine.
See you on the pavement!
Coach Joe
P.S. My goals don’t have to be your goals. If you would like to
speak to a coach to help you set some clear goals and keep you
accountable, we would love to chat. Enter your info
HERE and we’ll get right back
to you.